Main Street

Springfield Main Street

Since April 2023, an interdisciplinary group comprised of local government representatives, business owners, property owners, and residents have been regularly meeting to prepare Springfield, TN, to apply for Tennessee Main Street Designation. Per guidance from Tennessee Main Street Program, and as aligned with the National Main Street program, suggested local committee involvement to ensure a successful Main Street Program may include: municipal government, county government, community and economic development organizations, downtown business owners, downtown property owners, historic preservation groups, financial institutions, arts/cultural organizations, residents, industries/major employers, other institutions or groups not categorized (hospitals, colleges, foundations, developers, churches, civic groups, etc.).

On January 23, 2024, the Springfield Board of Mayor and Aldermen passed Resolution 24-01 officially authorizing participation in the Tennessee Main Street Program.

Springfield Main Street serves the Historic Downtown Redevelopment Overlay.

Springfield’s Main Street Program is grounded by the following mission, vision and statement of purpose adopted in August 2023:


The mission of Springfield Main Street is to be the catalyst for cultivating and nurturing a thriving downtown.


To transform our downtown into a vibrant, welcoming destination.

Statement of purpose:

The purpose of Springfield Main Street is to provide support and guidance to local businesses so they can be invested in the revitalization of downtown Springfield, TN.

Four-Point ApproachTM:

The Main Street Four-Point ApproachTM is a unique multi-faceted economic development tool that enables communities to revitalize their downtowns by leveraging local assets – from historic, cultural, and architectural resources to local enterprises and community pride. It is a comprehensive strategy that addresses the variety of issues and problems that challenge traditional commercial districts by focusing on the following areas:

  • Design – getting downtown into top physical shape and creating a safe, inviting environment through appropriate building renovations, streetscape and public space improvements, good signage, attractive window displays, and overall aesthetic qualities;
  • Economic Vitality – strengthening the community’s existing economic assets while diversifying its economic base through identification of current and potential market opportunities, business retention and recruitment, working with small business owners and entrepreneurs and development of financial assistance and training tools;
  • Promotion – creating a positive image to rekindle community pride and improve consumer and investor confidence in the commercial district through special events, marketing and branding; and
  • Organization – building partnerships among the various groups that have a stake in the downtown and creating a well-run, financially sustainable non-profit organization that operates the Main StreetTM program locally.

Regular Meeting Schedule:

The interdisciplinary group comprised of local government representatives, business owners, property owners, and residents meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 3:00pm.


Springfield Main Street intends to apply for Main Street accreditation in 2024! The application process is well underway, with hopes to apply for designation in February 2024. Stay tuned for more updates!

Events+Activities We host

Historic Downtown

Redevelopment Overlay

Satellite view with street names. Properties highlighted yellow are included in the Main Street program initiatives.

Springfield Main Street Brand